Frequently Asked Questions

About the facility

Is Kouri Ocean Tower a hotel?
The park will be a tourist facility with an observation tower, restaurants, and shops. Please note that this is not a lodging facility.
Can pets also enter?
Pets other than guide dogs and assistance dogs are not allowed to enter the venue, but they may be temporarily kept at the reception.
Do you rent wheelchairs and strollers?
All are available for loan free of charge. Please feel free to contact the general reception.
Is the facility wheelchair accessible?
Transferring carts and moving to the rooftop observation floor are only possible by stairs, but other areas are barrier-free.
Is there a place to change diapers or a nursing room?
There is a diaper changing table in the "disabled restroom". There is no nursing room.
What kind of menu does the cafe or restaurant have?
There is a restaurant page listed. Please check there.
What time is the last admission?
Last admission is 17:30 and business hours are 18:00.
Can I enter the venue and take photos wearing my wedding dress?
As this facility operates a wedding business in partnership with Watabe Wedding, we apologize for the inconvenience, but we do not allow other guests to use the facility or take photographs while wearing wedding dresses.

About admission fees

Do you have a "Disabled Discount", "Silver Discount", "Local Discount", or "Group Discount"? ​
"Disabled Discount" allows you and one accompanying person to enter at half price by presenting a disability certificate. Group discounts (15% OFF) are available for groups of 20 or more. Please note that there are no other discounts.
Can I only use restaurants and shops? Also, in that case, is there an admission fee required?
You can also use it only for restaurants and shops. At that time, please inform the general reception desk, and if you are an individual customer, we will ask you to wear a wristband and guide you. *Please note that if you are only using the restaurant or shop, you will not be able to enter the paid areas (Tower, Shell Museum, Cart). *Not applicable to group customers.


How long does it take to travel from Naha, Kyoda Inter, and Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium? ​
If you use the Okinawa Expressway from Naha, it will take about 1.5 to 2 hours, about 40 minutes by car from Kyoda Interchange, and about 30 minutes by car from Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium. *Please note that times may vary depending on road congestion, so please use this as a guide.
I entered my phone number into my car navigation system, but it doesn't show me the location of the tower. ​
Try searching by entering the address. <538 Kouri, Nakijin Village, Kunigami District, Okinawa Prefecture>
What methods are there if I want to go to the tower by means other than a rental car (route bus, etc.)? ​
The route bus only goes to Yagaji Island in front of Kouri Ohashi Bridge. After getting off at the nearest bus stop, you can take a taxi or walk. *At Nago Bus Terminal, transfer to the ``72/Yagaji Line'' jointly operated by Ryukyu Bus Transportation Co., Ltd. and Okinawa Bus Co., Ltd., and get off at the bus stop ``Untenbaru Iriguchi.'' Approximately 15 minutes by taxi, approximately 30-40 minutes on foot


Can I get Kouri Ocean Tower exclusive products elsewhere?
Limited edition products are not available outside of the tower. However, we do accept orders over the phone, but only by cash on delivery (product price + shipping fee + cash on delivery fee will be charged).
Can I rent a cart that runs around the park and tour around Kouri Island? ​
The carts operating within the facility are self-driving carts that operate on dedicated roads within the park. Please note that you cannot rent individual items and go outside the park.
I heard that the stars on Kouri Island are also beautiful. Do you hold any stargazing sessions at your facility? ​
Sometimes they are held for a limited time. In that case, we will inform you on this website and SNS.
Can you give me information on swimming and marine sports at Kouri Island's beaches? Also, are there any facilities such as shower rooms? ​
Our park does not manage the beach. We are unable to provide detailed information on beach swimming, marine activities, facilities, etc.